Friday, May 13, 2011

black and white photography roses

black and white photography roses. Z – Black and White
  • Z – Black and White

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 28, 01:10 PM
    After reading much of this thread's replies, I can honestly say that MANY MR users are living in 2009. The tablet is a PC. Yeah, maybe it can't do 100% of what a MacPro can do, but it does 90% of it. You can use the iPad as a PC and do lots of productivity.

    Sure, I wish it was a stronger machine, but it does word processing, it connects to the internet in different ways, it plays video, it plays music, it stores things, it can share things, it can compute, it is personal, it can do spread sheets, it can make movies, it can take photos, it can play games, it can do lots and lots and lots. Why wouldn't it be a PC? Because it doesn't render CGI films? Hell, it's close to having Photoshop already. Sure, it's no iMac, but an iMac is no MacPro.

    If you aren't calling it a PC in you will in 2012 or 2013. Get used to it now, Technosaurus Rex'ers.

    black and white photography roses. Black and White Photography
  • Black and White Photography

  • Piggie
    Apr 10, 04:46 AM
    Trying to use a finger controlled touch screen as the new answer to everything, and young people thinking this is right, in a way reminds me of being at work.

    We have a company that's been around for 60 or 70 years and has many systems in place to run smoothly that have been perfected over the decades as proven ways of doing things.

    Many years later the original management retire etc, and very young, fresh faced managers straight from school come in, and want to "make their mark" they then set about rubbishing all the "old ways" of doing things, for no really reason other than THEY don't like them, and they are things of the past, hence they must be wrong for just this reason.

    Old = Wrong, New = right.

    They then implemented for force through their new systems, ignoring people who tell them "this won't work" and "you can't do it like that" as, in these young eyes, these people are just stick in the muds resistant to change.

    Move forward a few years of this and everything is a mess, things are way more complicated than they every were, paperwork is much more and things that used to be simple are now causing people all sorts of issues.

    But still the young managers refuse to admit they might be wrong and the ways things used to be done were better, and all the "workers" are struggling having the keep the new systems working.

    A little like, someone saying, Oh a round steering wheel in a car? How old that design is, it has to be wrong, from now on all our cars won't have steering wheels, that's for old people, we are moving forward to a flat touch screen panel in the car, much more modern, and those people who don't like them, or think a car is harder to control are just old people who can't understand the possibilities that this will bring.

    black and white photography roses. This is a brave rose,
  • This is a brave rose,

  • Macnoviz
    Sep 26, 05:08 AM
    So, first it was the number of transistors per processor, then they coupled that with higher clock speeds (MHz) and now with multi-cores inside multi-processors.

    Is there a limit to such growth with the current technology?

    Anything after that? The optical computer that works with light instead of electricity and thus does not heat soo much? Any roadmap?


    How about Quantum computers?

    black and white photography roses. rose effects
  • rose effects

  • alex_ant
    Oct 9, 08:31 AM
    Originally posted by gopher
    Oh really? Show me where PCs can do 18 billion floating point calculations a second!
    Haven't we been over this before?

    black and white photography roses. Black and White Rose
  • Black and White Rose

  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 04:14 PM
    really ?
    i live in a country which isn't at war .. and hasn't since quite a few years.. and by years i mean decades
    and the nuclear power plant we built was stopped before getting turned on by a popular vote (since then we have a constitutional law forbidding to build nuclear power plants...)

    wow look at how i am suffering from the terrible consequences

    I grew up in a country where even a right wing government won't entertain the idea of nuclear power,where one of it's major allies (the U.S.) are not allowed to bring naval vessels into territorial waters because they will not reveal if nuclear weapons/propulsion are involved.Which has just suffered a major earthquake and as far as I know is the only country that is a nuclear free zone.To New Zealanders this policy is totally sacrosanct.Guess what they are doing fine.

    (by the way 70% of electricity production is from renewables)

    black and white photography roses. white photography Roses
  • white photography Roses

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 21, 01:36 PM
    This entire thread is hilarious.

    May be it's time to let the Android users in on the joke:

    You are all owners of iphones.

    Whatever is different from a real iphone is just a cover up by Apple.

    They ousted Schmitt from the board of directors and gave him the phone number for the retired dude in Mexico who was on the iphone development team.

    They then promised that guy a permanent cure from "Montezuma's Revenge" (rampant in Mexico)if he would only share his expertise on the iphone.

    Trouble is he doesn't remember all the iphone details, so what you get with the Android is an iphone with whatever he can remember.

    Some manufacturers are trying to fill in the blanks or give these things for FREE so nobody can really complain. (They do, see my sig below)

    In summary, thank you all for using iphones with different names and recognizing that ONLY APPLE put a device together you all love now .

    It makes for fun reading:-)

    Copy on dudes and Happy Easter!:-)

    black and white photography roses. Black amp; white close-up of
  • Black amp; white close-up of

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 21, 03:23 PM
    Just out of curiosity, why do you suppose that is? The *NIX family? Or something else? I'd like to hear your perspective.

    If you don't mind, I would like to explain that.

    I cannot vouch for all the people. I can vouch for most that I have seen.

    I am a part of TI, SerDes which is designed in TI, UK [UK Design]. I have been to TI's headquarters [Dallas, Texas], a number of items, and everytime I go, I have seen people using iPhones and blackberries. TI still gives BB's to all the employees, but most have their personal iPhones. It was really hard to spot a guy using an android phone out of close to a thousand people I could spot on campus.

    We run most of our software on SunOS 2.6 [Solaris]. We do some of our development work on Windows [which is a PAIN in the OS for no native support for PERL, Python, ClearCase, etc].

    The reason I believe that's the case is because:

    1. The most important: people have a life. They don't wish to tinker with the phones; whether its easy or hard, they just have no time. We buy smartphones to work for us and do everything on their own. We don't want to work for our 'smartphone' to make it usable. People just don't have time.

    2. The quality of service Apple provides is hands down. The best customer service for any product that is theirs. It's great.

    3. iPhone is probably the most usable phone at this time. Android is just on the other side. Widgets/Customization that's about it. Low quality apps/ No apps is the case there.

    People want something that just works without much effort. These things are to simplify our lives and not complicate, so that we can concentrate on actual work.

    Some people get this; some don't.

    black and white photography roses. Black And White Photography
  • Black And White Photography

  • Cheerwino
    Apr 9, 08:47 PM
    Guys, they hired PR people. I'm a PR person. We promote things that other people create. They are not developers, programmers, designers or even marketers -- they are press and industry promoters. You want folks with contacts in an industry, good at getting press and related placements, who are also good at running a PR department. It's important and useful for companies, part of the marketing mix but not the whole show.

    Folks need to realize there are multiple consumer segments in any product category with varying degrees of interest and values around any product. This is true for cereal, furniture, tires, games and just about any consumer product. Thanks to our somewhat free market capitalism we have a choice in products, so companies work hard to figure out the ideal formula to reach certain target groups. Those groups overlap and vary according to the brand and product. This stuff is complex and there aren't easy, clear answers.

    I think these hires just show Apple is serious about the gaming market (an all it's variety) and trying to maximize what is possible within the context of their product capabilities. [gag, spoken like a true PR person, I see] :rolleyes:

    black and white photography roses. White Iceberg Roses
  • White Iceberg Roses

  • TheFink
    Oct 10, 11:37 AM
    Originally posted by alex_ant
    My arse is capable of making 8-pound turds, but whether or not I eat enough baked beans to take advantage of that is another issue entirely. In other words,

    18 gigaflops = about as likely as an 8-pound turd in my toilet. Possible, yes (under the most severely ridiculous condtions). Real-world, no.

    Do you have any pics of your closest attempt at an 8 lb turd?

    black and white photography roses. Rose
  • Rose

  • skunk
    Apr 23, 04:19 PM
    Let's just say for a second there is no God. Then what a sad planet we live on if the future is up to us humans.There are plenty of gods, and goddesses too, but none of them is real. Every ancient civilisation believed in gods, part ancestor, part mythology, part protector, part threat. We "sad" humans imagined and invented the lot of them. This ancient chief god of yours has not done much, by your own admission, in the past two thousand years at least, so why would his supposed involvement be any more beneficial in the future? The future is up to us humans, whether "god" exists or not. Get used to it.

    black and white photography roses. Molly Mahar#39;s Porfolio Website
  • Molly Mahar#39;s Porfolio Website

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 04:50 PM
    I thought it was pretty obvious that I was talking about a potential single CPU Mac Pro. Woodcrest would obviously have to be used in a dual CPU machine. Also, I'd expect that lower speed grades would be offered too, which would make a 2.66GHz Conroe a nice pick. Or is only the absolutely highest clocked version of the CPU good enough to satisfy the demanding professional Mac users? :rolleyes:

    Sorry, just tired of the so called professionals that can't stop whining about how anything other than the best is an insult... It's annoying and it gets old fast.

    Another Brave Soul excapes the Mac Matrix created by Steve "The Architect" Jobs. Enough with this Snobbery nonsense , The PowerPC Warz are over move on. you guy are now in the same boat was the windows folk. No more Think Different, Think Alike.

    black and white photography roses. ROSE
  • ROSE

  • takao
    Mar 14, 02:42 PM
    That remains to be seen. Right now, they are still struggling to keep this disaster from happening. The situation is hardly what I would call stable.

    i totally agree that it's still way to early to tell. Now they have to keep those containments intact at all costs since they pretty much have written off the reactors 1-3 anyway by now (i suspect there were at least partial meltdowns in all 3 of them)

    if anything this event shows how reactor designs, where emergency power/pumps are required to cool an already shut-off reactor down, simply have to go

    something i noticed from the diagrams of the reactor layout: the water basin where the spent fuel rods are temporarily stored is actualy outside of the steel+concrete containment: so that might explain why some reactor only isotopes were detected
    i just hope none of those depelted fuel rods where scattered around from the top superstructre explosion

    edit: the french Autorit� de s�ret� nucl�aire (ASN) is expecting that the incident will get rated higher on the INES scale than the current 4. They are estimating that it will get rated as 5 or even 6 after talking to japanese experts. That would put it on the same level or higher than Three Miles island, Sellafield or Lucens

    black and white photography roses. The Black Rose represents
  • The Black Rose represents

  • Amazing Iceman
    May 2, 07:04 PM
    Ah, Geek Squad... Do they let you drive the Bug?

    Sorry, I don't work for Best Buy... They don't pay enough... and their employees don't really know much about anything, specially about MACs.

    You go ahead, drive the bug and be happy.

    black and white photography roses. from the lack and white
  • from the lack and white

  • rasmasyean
    Apr 22, 11:47 PM
    It's believed that the Higgs Boson exists but as yet there is no proof of its existence. Despite this respected physicists continue to try and prove its existence.

    There are many things we believe in the existence of despite lack of tangible proof.

    The Higgs Boson is something that is speculated to exist based on mathematical models and observation of other properties in theory. Therefore they try to "look for it" in order to confirm their models.

    Einstein's special relativity was also speculated to exist based on mathematical models. And there was no way to observe that and "prove" that those phenomenon exist until modern equipment was GPS.

    Even when Einstein derived that light travels in "particles", it explained a lot of things, but it isn't really until now that we use "photons" to bombard atoms to do quantum mechanical solar panels. But they were derived to exist based on some other doctrine that works in real life (not just your mind).

    There is a line between using an established doctrine to determine something can exist vs. "faith" in something that exists with no basis to draw upon other than some book written thousands of years ago...presumably. That's why it's called "faith".

    black and white photography roses. Black and White Rose
  • Black and White Rose

  • takao
    Mar 14, 12:21 PM
    At the risk of bumping this up to PRSI, let me just say that I thought 'saving face' was a thing of the past.

    in japan though it's a little bit different. thats why there also isn't much open panic: simply for the fact that the majority of japanese don't want to be seen 'losing it'

    off topic side note: for other nuclear plant designs this events could have been massivle more dramatic: like for certain swiss/german/european power plants where if one reactors cooling fails, the emergency generators are actually to be powered by the _other_ nuclear reactors on site ...

    leaving the nuclear situation discussion aside for now: interestingly even a town which actually had very expensive tsunami protection wall was hit since it simply wasn't nowhere high enough
    the most important point now will be to get the infrastracture running again because those fuel/electricity/food shortages are now turning to be really problematic

    black and white photography roses. Black and White Rose
  • Black and White Rose

  • aristobrat
    Mar 18, 12:37 PM
    Its funny that in your guys minds that its better for someone to use 15GB a month watching netflix/streaming pandora etc. than it is for me to use 2GB tethering.
    How the hell do you propose they implement an "Hey, it's cool if you tether with your unlimited, since you're just browsing forums" policy? Because, you know what? Not everyone tethering on unlimited is as cool as you.

    Maybe if they make everyone pinky swear on it?

    black and white photography roses. Color or lack amp; white?
  • Color or lack amp; white?

  • CIA
    Apr 13, 01:12 AM
    Currently I work as a producer for the NBA. If the face recognition works, that could be huge for what I do. We have to go through months and months of games pulling highlights of individual players. Currently we edit using Final Cut Pro systems. If the new system can accurately analyze faces and allow me to do a search for certain players, well, that would be friggin' awesome. I hope it works.

    I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what the hell the face recognition feature would be used for. That makes sense, sports. Sadly we shoot a ton of skiing and snowboarding, so it probably won't work well for us since everyone is wearing hats/helmets and goggles.

    black and white photography roses. Bed of Roses, 5.0 out of 5
  • Bed of Roses, 5.0 out of 5

  • Benjamins
    Apr 8, 11:17 PM
    Velly Intelrsting. Did they start out making games from rocks?

    they started off making card games.

    black and white photography roses. photo
  • photo

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 9, 09:20 PM
    So I guess you don't watch movies, TV shows, go to the pub/bar, visit museums or browse the inte...
    Hmmm ;)

    I think it is precisely that so many people do enjoy, not only playing games, but going to the movies, bars etc that what is considered 'hard-core' gaming has become marginalized and frankly irrelevant.

    Many many people, myself included' have spent endless hours playing games on both consoles and custom gaming rigs. I take issue when someone who knows nothing about me suggests that because I now have that same need satisfied by an iOS device means that I know nothing about gaming, whereas it is far more the case of 'been there done that'.

    The stereotype of a person describing themselves as a 'hardcore gamer' being an adolescent boy with more disposable income than social skills seems, unfortunately, to be more than justified by some of the posts written here.

    As someone pointed out a true 'hardcore gamer' plays games..full stop.

    Games such as 'Bejewelled' and the Zynga 'Farmville' Facebook games, are played for hours and hours and hours, by millions of mainly women, who would never think of describing themselves as 'gamers', and yet to ignore that market sector, or the iOS devices is not only commercial suicide, but shows an ignorance of where the true future of gaming lies.

    Aug 29, 11:21 AM
    Besides, I said that Apple is doing what they can.

    Actually, the last shareholder meeting had the vote to start the computer recycling program. The board of directors recommended that the shareholders vote "No" but the shareholders decided that the recycling program was important.

    I love Apple as much as the next guy, but that recommendation was irresponsible and backwards. Apple deserves this bad press.

    [edited to fix the quote. i quoted the wrong post]

    Apr 28, 12:37 PM
    You dont know what a fad is. Thats like calling dial up internet a fad because now pretty much everyone is using cable or fios internet. An ipod touch is still an ipod, its just better version of an ipod black/white.

    A fad is something that comes alot that is huge for a short time then fades out. Just because tech advances doesnt mean the first gen was a fad.
    No I understand quite well. Your example leads me to believe you don't.

    People didn't wear, display, or carry their internet connection in public, they did the iPod.

    Why do you think White headphones, and MP3 players of similar look / shape & form factor became popular (from other manufacturers mind you) after the iPod became popular? Likely because it was a popular look / gadget that many people wanted.

    A fad rarely includes items of technology, but sometimes it does. The subject of the iPod being a fad isn't something just I created / think, it has been discussed for a few years now, especially since the introduction of the iPhone.


    Mar 18, 01:09 PM
    Woohoo I switched from my 1st gen wifi iPad with mywi on my iPhone to a 3G iPad 2 just in time.

    Mar 11, 08:06 AM
    I'm in Tokyo. The big shake happened around 3 in the afternoon. I was walking around outside. Returned immediately to my apartment. Lots of broken glass and plates. Books have fallen from the shelf and my office was a mess, but my old mother, dog & cats, and Macs are okay. The aftershocks are continuing.

    The damage in Tokyo seems to be fairly light. The situation in Sendai (northern part of Japan) is very serious. It's been hit by tsunami. The TV is showing these helicopter shots of tsunami coming in, and you can actually see cars and buildings and sometimes people being washed away. Can't do anything. I stopped watching TV.

    Do they take those "people washed away" videos off Youtube or something right away? All I've seen are the same footages of "stuff" being engulfed by the front. It almost looks as if the entire area has been evacuated prior to this. I tried to find ppl, but I don't see any....unless they like instantly die and sink to the bottom or something or are stuck in the cars.

    Apr 30, 03:41 AM
    That's been my observation in the business world as well. With projects often being Web-based now, Windows is becoming irrelevant. On one project with about twenty developers, systems architects and analysts, close to half were running Macbook Pros (no Windows installed) and doing very well. It's just not an issue for many office folks. Obviously there are some roles that still require Windows, but not as many as it used to be. The tech folks in particular seem to take great delight in moving to Macs. Times have changed.

    Don't forget the joys of Virtualisation, and especially virtualisation where just the contents of a window from a VM are ported to a window on the host OS.

    With macbook pros cheaply upgradable to 8 gigs and quad-core CPUs there's nothing stopping you from running all three major OSes simultaneously.

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