Saturday, May 14, 2011

iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update

iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. -[new] many lockscreen
  • -[new] many lockscreen

  • Iscariot
    Mar 25, 10:39 AM
    I did not miss the fact that you tried to expand the discussion point. ;)

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.

    You misspeak and mischaracterize. A conservative member of this board has already narrowed the discussion from "hate" to "specific acts of violence linked diretly to the catholic church". A distinction that gives a massive amount of "stretch" and eliminates things like a Roman Catholic pastor in Texas comparing homosexuals to rapists or Mexican catholic priests fomenting hate in the wake of a same-sex marriage bill. And yet we are working within his narrowed definition.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. Overview: Animated Weather
  • Overview: Animated Weather

  • RaceTripper
    Mar 24, 06:54 PM
    Aw, poor Vatican. Are your medieval feelings hurt?

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. Update : Version 1.5 released
  • Update : Version 1.5 released

  • No1451
    Oct 7, 11:53 AM
    Of course Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. Here#39;s the iPhone/iPod Touch
  • Here#39;s the iPhone/iPod Touch

  • Heilage
    Mar 25, 03:02 PM
    Dear The Vatican (att. Pope Benedict XVI aka. Darth Sidious Doppelganger)

    **** you. If you keep on spreading hate throughout the world, I will ride your asses for it every single day.


    (And that's all I have to say about that)

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. Re: Animated Weather Elements
  • Re: Animated Weather Elements

  • JasperJanssen
    Apr 30, 03:41 AM
    That's been my observation in the business world as well. With projects often being Web-based now, Windows is becoming irrelevant. On one project with about twenty developers, systems architects and analysts, close to half were running Macbook Pros (no Windows installed) and doing very well. It's just not an issue for many office folks. Obviously there are some roles that still require Windows, but not as many as it used to be. The tech folks in particular seem to take great delight in moving to Macs. Times have changed.

    Don't forget the joys of Virtualisation, and especially virtualisation where just the contents of a window from a VM are ported to a window on the host OS.

    With macbook pros cheaply upgradable to 8 gigs and quad-core CPUs there's nothing stopping you from running all three major OSes simultaneously.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. Vodafone test weather using real location widget with quot;MobileScriptquot; JavaScript extension allowing the widgets to access device data and functionality,
  • Vodafone test weather using real location widget with quot;MobileScriptquot; JavaScript extension allowing the widgets to access device data and functionality,

  • Mord
    Jul 13, 08:21 AM
    the imac G5 has sufficient cooling to handle conroe, the macbook just has a heatplate connected to a heatpipe connected to small radiator, the imac has a full blow large copper heatsink over it similar to those used on 1U servers which can handle 100w xeons.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. quot;The Buuf Animated Weather
  • quot;The Buuf Animated Weather

  • fehhkk
    Mar 18, 12:44 PM
    Carriers don't seem to understand that if you consume your 2GB data allowance in one day, it's actually better for them, because they will get your for overages :D

    Stupid AT&T.

    On a separate note, I don't think I mind paying $20 for an extra 2GB of data. I was paying $59.99 for a Verizon USB data stick for a 5GB/mo. plan... So, since I don't tether that much, it seems adequate, *AND* I can switch off the tethering plan as I need it (without getting into a 2 year contract for just a USB data stick).

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. animated version of the theme
  • animated version of the theme

  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 20, 08:12 PM
    You mean just like unix operating systems have "so many" viruses and it's a completely open source environment? In fact OSX is based on BSD unix. LOL

    Yeah, because they hold the largest marketshare, right?

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. Update: This is the
  • Update: This is the

  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 11:18 PM
    Edit: I'll say you found an idiot who likes to claim knowledge they can't possess. and then I saw Apple OC's post. Okay. At least one atheist fundamentalist exists.

    Whatever:rolleyes: ... Like I care that you think I am an idiot ... there is nothing that points to the existence of any Gods.

    Nothing ... other than all the followers that try to tell you to follow along.

    Science points to logical explanations as to how humans became to be on this planet ... and none of it points to any form of a God.

    I am not looking for proof ... for me it is already there.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. But I will get an iPhone 4 and
  • But I will get an iPhone 4 and

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 09:12 AM
    I liked reading your post. I pretty much agree with you wrote. I think Nintendo is scared about the falling price of software. That's where their money comes from. For almost three decades, Nintendo has been making a lot of money by releasing consoles to sell their software at a premium.

    An excellent example... is Urban Champion on Wiiware really worth $5?
    That's madness! A title like that would get crushed on the iTunes App Store.

    Although... I think iOS is geared more towards casual games, because that's easier to create on the system. Yet, I'm investing time and money in seeing if there is a market for "hardcore" games. I think there is. That's why I'm building BOT (

    Apple is one step away from crushing Nintendo... that's adding an App Store to the Apple TV.

    This hardcore vs. casual debate misses the main point. Nintendo was seen as the more casual of the big three console makers. Yet, Nintendo dominated the first few years of this generation's console war. If Apple enters this arena, it's big trouble for Nintendo... and the other console makers.

    Heh, but as a developer, it's really cool for me. Apple has built something amazing here. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo... they could have made it easier for independent developers, but they didn't. Apple is now in a great position to dramatically change the way the industry works � and I think it's for the better.

    I wandered into Best Buy last Christmas season and I saw the game of life in 3D on the XBOX. I thought it was a great way to modernize a classic game. I was getting ready to buy the XBOX 360. But then, lots of great iOS games started going on sale for 99� each. I bought nine... NINE NEW GAMES for less than $10.

    If Nintendo doesn't adapt, it could be big trouble for them. I've seen the 3DS ( and I'm not impressed. I think the iPhone 4 is a much better portable gaming machine.

    Dude, Nintendo is not about to be crushed by Apple. That suggest a REAL lack of understanding about any market, let alone this one and this player.

    Nintendo does need to adapt, but it could do that in a number of ways that would see it remain successful and a core contributor. I happen to believe their core competence is in developing games, and they would be well served on iOS.

    I'm sorry, I don't judge the quality of a game by how cheap it is. EVEN IF YOU PUT IT IN CAPS.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. How to install genie weather widget from android 2.1 on Motorola Droid. Jan 19, 2010 2:23 PM. steps for installing: 1. go into settings applications and
  • How to install genie weather widget from android 2.1 on Motorola Droid. Jan 19, 2010 2:23 PM. steps for installing: 1. go into settings applications and

  • miles01110
    May 2, 09:42 AM
    Why, do you have proof of a virus for OS X ? Because if you do, let's see it.

    This is exactly the kind of ignorance I'm referring to. The vast majority of users don't differentiate between "virus", "trojan", "phishing e-mail", or any other terminology when they are actually referring to malware as "anything I don't want on my machine." By continuously bringing up inane points like the above, not only are you not helping the situation, you're perpetuating a useless mentality in order to prove your mastery of vocabulary.


    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. HTC Hero - Lock Screen.jpg
  • HTC Hero - Lock Screen.jpg

  • Mooey
    Apr 9, 03:42 AM
    The delusion is this thread is hilarious. I'm seeing little casual gamers saying that Nintendo should be bought out, that Sony and Microsoft are doomed because their consoles are cheap on eBay because of device malfunctions (like Apple computers / handhelds don't?), and people claiming that touchscreens are going to replace the buttons for controllers sooner or later.

    Your opinions are nice, but you're a casual gamer. The closet thing you've probably touched as far as hardcore gaming goes is Plants vs Zombies.

    Until I start seeing games like Uncharted 3, God of War, Halo, Fallout, etc. on an iOS device, you guys can continue keeping me entertained.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. Overview: Animated Weather
  • Overview: Animated Weather

  • BrettJDeriso
    Apr 28, 10:41 AM
    You're completely wrong, Piggie. Anyone who uses Mac hardware knows that. A Macbook Pro is a completely different animal than a piece of crap made by Dell that sells for half the price. Apple doesn't make junk, and never will. I'm glad. I don't care that Joe Cheapo wants the lowest priced garbage he can find, and doesn't care that its hard drive will fail in a year, that its motherboard will fry, it's underpowered, or that his experience will suck and he won't know the difference. Those of us who buy Macs and choose to spend more for a better made machine appreciate the difference. You get what you pay for - remember that.
    And people ARE buying them. In droves.


    Besides, just how much further below $600 does a computer have to be before it satisfies Joe Cheapo's definition of "low end"? My first Apple was a mini and cost less (and ran four times longer) than every single POS Dell, Compaq, Packard Bell, and Acer home-grown bargain bin Door stop I tried to buy or build on the cheap. I can't speak to it's ultimate demise, because I sold it -fully functional and every bit as capable- to another eager owner four years after I first absorbed the horrendous, unjust, impoverishing $500 sticker price.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. of the lockscreen
  • of the lockscreen

  • pik.
    Oct 7, 01:58 PM
    if iPhone OS remains to 2 cell phones then YES in the future iPhone will decrease...

    it is sure.

    Apple must do Phones in 3 price scale...fully unlocked and without the stupid blocks in terms of closed OS.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. [APP] WidgetLocker Lockscreen
  • [APP] WidgetLocker Lockscreen

  • sisyphus
    Sep 25, 11:59 PM (
    Kentsfield/Core 2 Quadro is also unlikely to see an inclusion in any current models.

    Which of course leads to the missing piece! :D

    We can't just go from 2 Cores on the iMac to 8 Cores on the Mac Pro without a handy dandy 4 core prosumer model in the middle. ;)

    (Somebody around here has to keep the "Mac" computer around in the rumor threads). :rolleyes:

    I had thought Apple was going to release a Conroe based computer, but now seeing that Intel is releasing the Kentsfield as early as Late October/Early November it would make no sense. Apple would release the machine in September, be unable to meet demand then replace it less than 2 months later? Not very Appleish (ignore the November/January iMac occurence last year ;) ).

    But now that would make a hot item for the Christmas shopping season wouldn't it? This is the reason Apple didn't release a Conroe based system... too short of a time in the pipeline.

    This now gives us the perfect differentiated lineup going into Christmas:

    Mac Mini - Core Duo
    iMac - Core 2 Duo
    Mac - Core 2 Quattro
    Mac Pro - Dual Cloverton (May not arrive until MWSF)

    I'd buy myself a Mac Quattro for Christmas! :D

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. I have videos for the weather,
  • I have videos for the weather,

  • BruiserBear
    Apr 15, 09:23 AM
    and 8 morons hit the "negative" button. That's why videos like this are necessary. Because there are a lot of stupid people out there who don't understand the world as it is.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. on your Lockscreen!
  • on your Lockscreen!

  • 840quadra
    Apr 29, 10:48 PM
    First off, attitude aside, my calling the iPod's overall populairity a Fad is personal opinion, not a fact. Don't take it so personally. ;)

    There are a few other sites, blogs, people (do a twitter search ;) ) that feel the same way as I do. It is a Personal feeling, and so are all my responses to your points from which I am trying to explain my viewpoint on this subject, or debate.

    No, its a fully fledged iPod which has further functions. The music player is even called iPod. You use it in the same way you use old iPods (Artist, Genre, Album etc) except the interface has changed. Its an iPod.

    Yep the music player is called iPod, just like on the iPhone the Touch is based off of. User interface is totally different, so is the way it behaves as compared to a true classic 'iPod'.

    Remember using an old iPod? When you go out of the music player (while music is playing) to do something else, in most cases it returned to the music player after a period of time had gone by. If the screen went to sleep, simply take it out of Hold (if you put it in that), or touch the clickwheel, and you were back into the music player. Neither the touch, or the iPhone behave like this, the Music player is just an other Application among many, and no longer the star.

    Huh? If a trend of popularity lasts a decade, "even longer" it most certainly cannot be considered a fad, by any definition. Just because less and less people (in your eyes) are using them in their old form, doesn't make them a fad over a period of 10 years (and still selling well). Were VHS tapes or DVDs a fad? Were Playstation 1's a fad? Ill give you a fad...Moon Boots. Tiffany. Puffa Jackets. Hula Hoops.

    I have not seen a Dictionary definition of 'fad' with an established time limit. If you have one from a reputable dictionary, please share it.

    Remember, the iPod was an item to be worn, often in public, and most people (especially kids, and teens) were proud to display them either by holding them, wearing white headphones, or placing them visibly on desks or tables were they could be seen using them.

    Apple totally knew this, it is why they brought the Mini, Nano, and Black iPod to market, because they realized people saw iPods as a Fashion item.

    Items of Fashion are common among fads, and even though people didn't wear an iPod, for a period of time it was definitely "in" to be seen with one, especially the latest model to come out.

    Some things fade away very quickly after huge popularity. These are fads. Some things simply evolve or get superceded by a superior version. These aren't.

    The iPod wasn't an instant success, sales only really only took off after the introduction of the Dock Connecter, but mostly the Click Wheel. This places it in with big sales really starting in 2005. That timeframe to 2009 (which was peak iPod sales, and included the Touch) is only 4 - 5 years, not a decade.

    Apple doesn't break down sales of individual models in most cases, so it is hard to say exactly when sales of regular (non Touch) iPods started to fall off.

    Regardless, the masses of people don't want to carry around devices that are primarily music players anymore, they want to carry around pocketable multipurpose devices.

    Even though they existed before the iPhone, these multipurpose devices didn't really take off until the iPhone / iPod touch went to market. Prior to the iPhone there were countless, Smartphones, feature phones, and PDAs. Many of these sold for less than some iPod models (especially Palm PDAs, and some feature phones) but none sold like the iPod. The iPod was the thing to have.

    The iPod came out years after the first mp3 players existed, and yet managed to completely dominate the market very quickly and stayed dominant for 10 years. They have become so intrinsically intertwined in what they do, that many people mistakenly refer to them as a generic term for all mp3 players - people come into my shop asking for Sony iPods for example.

    Agreed, There were many MP3 players before, during, and after the heyday of the iPod. Many were cheaper, similar in ease of use, higher in features, and had better audio quality than the iPod. But, they weren't as cool, they weren't the iPod, people wanted the iPod because it's the thing to have.

    The Popular item that everyone wants, or want's to be seen with is often what gives it a fad status.

    If we were still using the 2001 models it would be a crazy world we live in, but iPhones are still iPods, Touches are still iPods and the original still sells well as the Classic, with the Nano and Shuffle also far more popular than any other none Apple product on the music market. This is 10 years on.

    I understand your viewpoints, respect your opinion, and appreciate your time in sharing them. I can totally see and respect why people wouldn't see the iPod as being either a fad, or part of one. I just look at it a bit differently.

    Yeah, you still don't understand what a fad is. Wow.

    When you learn to be a constructive participant of a conversation, as opposed to just snide, I would be more than happy to discuss my viewpoints with you.


    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. a lockscreen and some
  • a lockscreen and some

  • BJNY
    Nov 1, 05:14 PM
    If one follows the link,
    the cooler Clovertons are much lower GHz.

    iphone 6-day animated weather widget lockscreen update. Catch the latest version of the N97 UI demo - there#39;s a new weather widget on the homescreen and a few new movements. From
  • Catch the latest version of the N97 UI demo - there#39;s a new weather widget on the homescreen and a few new movements. From

  • Pants
    Oct 9, 04:18 AM
    Ive been using xp pro for 3 months here at work, and I have to say I'm quietly impressed. Its never crashed, nothing has unepectedly quit (and its running a bunch of custom pci cards, so if ever it was flakey, id have expected it to be so with this rig...). My only complaint is the 'look' of it - osX does look nicer, but then osX is a lot less snappy.

    So where does my money go to with Apple? I posses a bunch of apples, and each time I buy a new one i feel a little less 'happy' and a little more like a regular consumer. After all, the days of non proprietory hardware being used in apples are gone - its all usb and firewire (and not even cutting edge usb at that). Some of my reasons for disliking M$ are also beginning to surface with appl� - .mac for a start. What osX has done is open my eyes to using linux at home (or maybe x86 solaris) ...switching? hmmm....

    oh, and did anyone mention that apples floating point performance was good? no - its awful!

    Apr 15, 10:44 AM
    Read before you post. One more time: READ BEFORE YOU POST.

    I'm not wound up about people having opinions that don't match with mine. What's really got me on a roll here is the fact that another poster took the freedom to JUDGE me, and LABEL me, as a self-hater. THAT is what has me irritated. I 'attacked' the media and its approach towards the issue of homosexuality. My attack was not on my own community or no one individual. Are you really having a hard time understanding that?

    I'm straight and I understand your point fine. Because you don't fit into the other gay gentlemans stereotype of "what it is to be gay to him" he labeled you a self hater, which is absurd. How hard is it to understand that?

    Apr 15, 10:53 AM
    Oh man. Utterly ridiculous. I'm trivializing the issue? No, I'm putting it in a more accurate and less political context. And you call that hate!

    Second, don't drag me into the ridiculous "born gay / chose to be gay" false dichotomy. I swear that gays invented that one just to trick dimwitted social conservatives into parroting it. It's a really poor rendering of Nature vs. Nurture, which is a spectrum and not a binary condition. And it doesn't matter. It's the behavior which is either morally wrong or isn't, so pick your side and argue it. Just don't argue that a behavior is moral because you were "born that way". That opens up a seriously dangerous can of worms.

    You also end up implying that because fat people weren't "born that way", it's ok to mistreat them.

    And then you finish it off with "I don't even care if you don't like homosexual people"... well that's great. I never said I don't like homosexual people. But I guess you didn't quite accuse me of that with that sentence either. I don't care if you hate your mom and puppies either. You don't hate your mom, do you? And if you do, why? Why don't you love your mom?


    Gay is not a "hip counterculture"; that implies it's a choice, pure and simple. It's a state of being. It's like being 6 feet tall, or having blue eyes, or brown hair. It's simply a characteristic of a person.

    You know what IS a choice? Religion. And look at the lengths we go to to protect the right of every last believer to say and do the most ridiculous, hateful things.

    Apr 24, 09:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Remember, although most posters here are from the US a large number are not. In Western Europe the number if religious peope is lower than in the US (most definitely people can be more open about their lack of religion here), and it plays a much lessor role in life/society. That may add to the impression that there are lots of atheists on here.

    There could be many other reasons as well, for example the average age of posters on here is likely to be less than in the population at large.

    Oct 10, 04:03 PM

    Ah, thanks for clarifying.

    Aug 30, 10:08 AM
    I think people are missing the point....
    Anyway who really gives a crap what a bunch of pot smoking tree hugging hippies think.
    I know I don't :cool:
    Congratulations! You just got added to the list (

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