Friday, May 13, 2011

new iphone 5 pics

new iphone 5 pics. iphone 5 pictures New iPhone 5
  • iphone 5 pictures New iPhone 5

  • pmz
    Mar 18, 09:27 AM
    Go look up the words: entitlement, spoiled, ignorance and unfounded :)

    What the hell is your problem? AT&T has broken the law. Are you content with that?

    Do you think it's appropriate for any company to sell an unlimited service, and make every attempt possible to limit it?

    new iphone 5 pics. the new iPhone 5 case
  • the new iPhone 5 case

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 09:17 PM
    The goal of any ethical psychological treatment is only to treat the conflict that causes pain. The patient is considered healthy when his thoughts and behaviors do not interfere with his ability to lead a fulfilling life, not when he changes his thoughts and behaviors to ones endorsed by the therapist. Anything else is abuse of the patient and psychological malpractice.
    But what if changed thoughts and changed behaviors would make people even happier than than they would be without the changes?

    To tell someone who is in conflict over his sexual orientation that he must change it to be well is no different than telling an anorexic to lose more weight so she doesn't feel so fat. It is indulging the conflict to produce conforming behavior rather than treating the conflict to produce a healthy patient.
    Not even Nicolosi tells his clients that they need to change their sexual orientation. He says that NARTH is for people who want to change it. In a video I posted to this discussion, he says that therapy doesn't work well for clients who tell him they want to change because the Bible teaches that they shouldn't have homosexual sex. You may already have read my post about Fr. John Harvey's apostolate to people who feel same-sex attraction. Again, that organization doesn't try to change anyone's sexual orientation.

    new iphone 5 pics. around the iPhone 5 has
  • around the iPhone 5 has

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 11:27 AM
    Not what he said, but how he said it. But you already knew what I meant.

    People tossing out random verses from the Pentateuch/Torah to defend or condemn religion is problematic and is above most people's pay grades. There are plenty of rabbis and other scholarly folks who can help people understand some of these harsh and difficult passages. Of course, it's easier and way more fun to remain ignorant of these books to play "gotcha!" with other people's religious beliefs.

    The modern view of homosexual sex in all the orthodox Christian religions is so tame and simple it's almost boring. It's just premarital sex, which is considered sinful. It's not morally worse than heterosexual premarital sex. And yes, marriage is considered to be between a man and a woman in these religions, so yes, that does really suck for the orthodox gay Christian.

    new iphone 5 pics. iPhone 5 Cases Spotted;
  • iPhone 5 Cases Spotted;

  • adamfilip
    Jul 12, 08:44 AM
    i think all the new mac pro will be quad core xeons (2 chips) just range in frequency.

    new iphone 5 pics. iPhone 5 sketches suggest
  • iPhone 5 sketches suggest

  • awmazz
    Mar 14, 02:01 PM
    2) A CT scan is 150 mrem. Depending on the X-ray, it can be around 30-50 mrem.

    I have no idea why these sorts of examples are constantly used to allay peoples' concerns. Do you actually believe people actually think getting an xray is as harmless as washing with soap? We all see the technician/dentist/nurse go stand behind the protective screens when they use these things while telling us "it's fine, won't hurt you" and we all think "horse manure it won't" as the machine goes click click..

    You should do some reading; that dosage of 52 mrem/hour isn't going to stay like that for long.

    My reading of the NYT article says they could be releasing clouds for MONTHS if/until it's under control, so why do you assume it will not stay like that for long? Speaking of under control..

    The residents will be fine, you can put away your tin foil hats. If we have a melt down, then we'll talk.

    See, you're downplaying it again. I don't know why, perhaps it's just your nature to adopt the calming 'please remain seated' role when the theatre's on fire. Just don't mock the headwear of the people who advise to run for the exits instead while you do. Each to their own.

    What do you mean *if* we have a meltdown. Are you denying there has been a meltdown at all? I'll wager with you that there is not only just a meltdown, but actually *three* active meltdowns currently in progress right now. Even so, I'm not even sure where your confidence over the 'if' comes from, everything so far that we're seeing indicates that they are struggling to even keep the situation under control let alone stabilize it, so I believe it's more of a certainty than an if. I believe they are failing, if not already failed, and the situation is already out of their control so it's only a matter of time.

    Edit - my beilief is based on reading stuff like this (from the BBC) about the hitherto quiet reactor #2. While all the focus has been on the exploding #1 and #3, they've also been pumping seawater into #2 as well. So not only is that yet another wtf? moment, we also have a wtf? squared that the fire engine truck ran out of petrol to keep the pump going so the rods were exposed. So I hope you can understand what I mean about not having confidence that they are even abe to stay on top of the situation let alone control it.

    According to the main Japanese news agency Kyodo, the rods were exposed when the flow of seawater into reactor number 2 stopped simply because a fire pump ran out of fuel.

    With the entire region of Honshu island reportedly low on fuel and other vital supplies, a key question is whether plans are in place to keep the power station supplied with diesel.

    Edit 2 - the irony of a nuclear power station needing fossil fuel to save it...

    new iphone 5 pics. Iphone 5 4 inch display 2
  • Iphone 5 4 inch display 2

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 09:14 PM
    We can see the ongoing effects of microbes all around us. Can you say the same for your god?
    That's not the point. The point. The point is that even before anyone discovered microbes, microbes already existed. You're welcome to insist that there's no God. But maybe you insist that there is none because although there's evidence for theism, you doubt that it is evidence for it. I'm sure many atheistic scientists who dismiss theism a priori because they believe that if God exists, His existence would force them to revise many of their scientific assumptions. I forget the title of the television program I watched, where the host asked a neuroscientist what she thought about near-death experiences. She didn't want to consider potential evidence for an afterlife because an afterlife would disprove too many physicalist assumptions about the nature of the mind.

    new iphone 5 pics. iPhone 5 Coming In June?
  • iPhone 5 Coming In June?

  • CaoCao
    Mar 26, 06:59 PM
    No- according to you, love conquers all until it includes people you don't like. That's not love, it's control.

    Jesus never did that to anyone, did he? Nope. Jesus loved everyone no matter what. You are as far from Jesus as you could be. Jesus was nice to whores, even when they continued to be whores. Could you do that?

    Your attitude is what turned me off to religion years ago. Jesus was a seriously great person. His fans, suck- nastiest people I've ever met. You don't even know what Jesus was about. Jesus was about unconditional love. Jesus basically said he loved everyone no matter what. That is a beautiful message. Now, it would be nice if the people he talked to would live it, and stop being such jerks.
    Who were the whores who continued to whore?
    Love the sinner, hate the sin.
    My parents had two children. They (mom & dad) were good Christians (not Catholics, though). They hit a "rough patch". До свидание. Your anecdotes are meaningless BS. Religious devotion + children + love < stability.
    Many marriages don't get over the rough patch, some don't even try :(
    You will say anything to rationalize your prejudice, won't you? I have trouble believing anyone is as dense as you pretend here.

    Just in case, though, the government offers legal concessions to men and women who legally (not religiously) commit to a marriage. It refuses to extend those same concessions to same-sex couples, and can demonstrate no legitimate state interest in this discrimination. That is denial of equal treatment under the law, and is unconstitutional.
    I'm inarticulate. Well, if it is extending benefits heterosexual marriages then examine why it is doing so and then see what the differences between a heterosexual marriage and a homosexual marriage would be.
    So why deny gay families this devotion that is needed, the commitment of marriage? Seems your reasoning is based out of malice if you really believe what you said.
    Please explain what I said (I probably badly phrased it).
    If you really love someone, surely you don't want to be with anyone else? If so, then it would be pretty moronic not to ultimately work out your issues with the other person.
    What the problem is some people can't tell between infatuation and love.
    There is no good reason why priests are expected to do it. Peter was married, as were many of the apostles and the priests of the early church. Nor was this confined to the early church:
    The Renaissance was a very dark time for the Church.
    Actually you're not, because it's not an arbitrary rule. As someone explained to you earlier, there's at least one reason behind banning copulating in the street.

    There is no valid reason for prohibiting same-sex marriages. That is arbitrary, and shameful - particularly since it seems to be antiquated, bigoted dogma (that not everyone shares) that is promoting this prohibition.

    What a touching story. Don't know what any of this has to do with homosexuality.

    And if you are being beaten in the street, and the police walk by instead of coming to your aid - is that depriving you of liberty, or merely "not supporting" you?

    Again, don't know what that has to do with homosexuality.

    To be fair, I knew what you meant with your comment, but frankly there wasn't any sarcasm in my statement. You were attempting to defend your earlier poorly-constructed post, and I was bemused by it.

    What does being gay have to do with being a priest?
    I didn't say in the street

    Examine the benefits of heterosexual marriage, examine why they are given and then compare with homosexual couples

    Marriages don't need to be about love, they need to be a permanent commitment.

    Situation would never happen, police don't walk the beat here anymore (thought it would be nice). Also police are obligated to stop crimes in action while the government isn't obligated to create new rights because a very small demographic demands it.
    You agree with a mangled, meaningless phrase of dog Latin? Mirabile dictu.
    I guess I need a better dictionary
    A sentence is also a phrase: all sentences are phrases, but not all phrases are sentences. However, frater, my Latin does not include either subcribo (unless of course he was looking up "sign" and found the word for to sign beneath or subscribe(!)), or of, or a as an indefinite article, for that matter. You could try Id est signum contradictionis, which might make slightly more sense, even in the Vatican. Actually, the id is optional. Hence dog Latin, frater.
    Apologies for the horrible Latin, the only non-English language I am fluent in is Mandarin Chinese (specifically the Beijing dialect).

    new iphone 5 pics. New iPhone 5 Could Debut June
  • New iPhone 5 Could Debut June

  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 08:56 AM
    Ahh. Any proof, or just making up stuff?

    Best thing I could find

    new iphone 5 pics. iphone 5
  • iphone 5

  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 13, 09:56 PM
    They were talking talking about a 100 square mile solar plant. Take this PopSci link ( for example. A 20 acre site produces 5 Megawatts. One square mile (640 acres) would provide 160 Megawatts. Ten square miles would provide 16000 Megawatts (16 Gigawatts). The link says the country will need 20 Gigawats by 2050. The worst possible accident in this case does not result in thousands of square miles being permanently (as far as this generation is concerned) contaminated.

    In contrast Japan Disaster May Set Back Nuclear Power Industry ( As far as I know, solar farms don't "melt down" at least not in a way that might effect the entire population of a U.S. state. I understand the nuclear reactors are built to hold in the radiation when things go wrong, but what if they don't and what a mess afterwards.

    You need to separate capacity from demand. Capacity is just the maximum power a station can theoretically produce. In practice, most of these renewable stations never reach that max. I've checked the stats at my utility's wind farm and that thing is usually around 9% of capacity. Considering a wind farm costs 4 times as much money as a natural gas generator to build for the same capacity, efficiency-wise, the station is a joke.

    What's more important is demand - being able to produce enough energy when we need it. This is where solar and wind fall short. They don't generate when we want them to, they only generate when mother nature wants them to. It would be fine if grid energy storage (IE batteries) technology was developed enough to be able to store enough energy to power a service area through an entire winter (in the case of solar). But last I checked, current grid energy storage batteries can only store a charge for 8-12 hours before they start losing charge on their own. They're also the size of buildings, fail after 10 years, and cost a ton of money.

    This is why a lot of utilities have gone to nuclear to replace coal and why here in the US, we still rely on coal to provide roughly 50% of our electricity and most of our base load. There are few options.

    new iphone 5 pics. Could this be the new iPhone 5
  • Could this be the new iPhone 5

  • nimbusthegreat
    May 6, 12:40 AM
    ever since switching to sh&t when i bought the original iphone, i've had problems. it seems to get worse with each passing day. in the last month i've spent over 10 hours on the phone with sh&t trying to get this fixed to no avail. i love my iphone but HATE:mad: the network it's on.

    new iphone 5 pics. The new iPhone 5 should look
  • The new iPhone 5 should look

  • Digitalclips
    May 2, 02:28 PM
    About as huge as most windows ones!

    Difference being Windows users don't have to accept an invitation then enter an admin user name and password for most stuff they get zonked with.

    BTW, Just curious, did the Scottish folks that founded your town not know how to spell or is it a typo in your town name?

    new iphone 5 pics. The iPhone 5 rumors continue,
  • The iPhone 5 rumors continue,

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:52 PM
    Ah well, forget google-ing "windows is more secure than OS X",

    just ask google; they know better I guess. ;)

    well they certainly know much better than you....

    new iphone 5 pics. It might not be the iPhone 5
  • It might not be the iPhone 5

  • mjstew33
    Jul 12, 12:42 AM
    Same here, I am ready to buy a Mac Pro. :)
    But why?

    You have a MacBook Pro AND a PowerMac G5 DUAL 2.3GHz.

    What the hell do you do that requires such a powerful machine? :rolleyes:

    new iphone 5 pics. It might not be the iPhone 5
  • It might not be the iPhone 5

  • *LTD*
    Apr 24, 04:59 PM
    I figured I'd use this wonderful Easter Sunday (a day spent celebrating the beginning of Spring and absolutely nothing else), to pose a question that I have.... What's the deal with religious people? After many a spirited thread about religion, I still can't wrap my head around what keeps people in the faith nowadays. I'm not talking about those people in third world nations, who have lived their entire lives under religion and know of nothing else. I'm talking about your Americans (North and South), your Europeans, the people who have access to any information they want to get (and some they don't) who should know better by now. And yet, in thread after thread, these people still swear that their way is the only way. No matter what logic you use, they can twist the words from their holy books and change the meaning of things to, in their minds, completely back up their point of view. Is it stubbornness, the inability to admit that you were wrong about something so important for so long? Is it fear? If I admit this is BS, I go to hell? Simple ignorance? Please remember, I'm not talking about just believing in a higher power, I mean those who believe in religion, Jews, Christian, etc.

    Except that you can't paint Buddhists or Taoists with this sort of brush. Yet they are "religions" too.

    new iphone 5 pics. iphone 5 in production
  • iphone 5 in production

  • hexonxonx
    May 6, 05:11 AM
    AT&T's plan worked brilliantly.

    They put me through a year where about 40% of my calls got dropped and then fixed it so only about 5% get dropped now.

    So even though that's worse than the other carriers I am personally thrilled with that number.

    So...good plan, AT&T!

    I too rarely have dropped calls. It's gotten much better since September. I can talk anywhere in the house now without the call dropping.

    new iphone 5 pics. And the iPhone 5 would still
  • And the iPhone 5 would still

  • SandboxGeneral
    Mar 13, 09:44 AM
    I'm all for nuclear power. It's the cleanest and usually the safest type of electricity available that can produce energy on a large scale.

    There are inherent risks with nuclear power and there is the waste issue yet to be solved. But likewise, there are risks for other types of power, whether it's gas, oil, coal or even hydroelectric. Choose your poison.

    As for the safety of nuclear energy, there are only two disasters that I know of, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. I think there was a 3rd more minor one once, but I don't recall.

    I'm sure there have been more disasters with all the other types of energy plants that have happened over time. However, when a nuclear plant has a problem, it's always going to be a big one.

    Despite the risks of nuclear power, I still support it's use in countries that are responsible.

    new iphone 5 pics. The iPhone 5 images available
  • The iPhone 5 images available

  • eternlgladiator
    Mar 11, 08:57 AM

    didnt know the word tw@t was used over the pond... lol amezzin

    I thought it was appropriate for this line. It's not in my main repertoire but I thought it worked.

    new iphone 5 pics. Although the new iPhone 5 will
  • Although the new iPhone 5 will

  • Sounds Good
    Apr 10, 11:06 AM
    If you are happy with windows stick with it. if you don't "have" to switch because you need a specifitc application, just don't do it. It's not "THAT MUCH" better as everyone wants to make you believe.
    Ya know what? This is good advice. After doing a LOT of thinking about this, I realize that I'm probably best off sticking with Windows.

    When it comes right down to it, I'm really just "curious" about trying a Mac. I don't actually have a particular reason, and I don't have any problems with Windows (believe it or not).

    It looks like both operating systems have a few advantages and both operating systems have their share of annoyances. Truth is, I'm having a hard time finding a real advantage to switching.

    If I were starting out today I'd most likely go with a Mac. But I'm an old dude, not a kid. I'm very comfortable with Windows and I really LIKE certain things about it. In fact, the first thing I'd do on a Mac is try to set it up so the Dock works just like the Start button in Windows. A rational person would have realized long ago that this is crazy. If I want a Mac to work like Windows I should just use Windows. Duh. But my curiosity along with the attractive cosmetic looks of the Mac got the best of me.

    I won't lie, I'll forever be curious about "the other side"... but in my case I think I'd just be asking for a lot of headaches figuring out how to do all of these things differently than I'm used to.


    Thanks to everyone that helped by adding your thoughts, I really appreciate it. And since I can't be the only one out there with similar feelings maybe this thread will help them too. Some will choose to switch to Mac, some will choose to stick with Windows.

    And that's the way it goes. :)

    new iphone 5 pics. Apple iPhone 5 to hit
  • Apple iPhone 5 to hit

  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Aug 25, 05:11 AM
    It's funny how the only place that people are unhappy with AT&T service and the iPhone is in surveys and on these forums.

    While I won't pretend I read that entire, giant block of unformatted text, I will say that this is hardly the only place people complain about AT&T service. Though there are undoubtedly people that get great service and rarely drop calls on the carrier, AT&T service is almost universally disliked and has become the butt of many jokes, both on and off the Internet.

    Agree about the iPhone, though I suspect most of the complaining here is due to the fact that people rarely sign up for a message board account (you being a notable exception, of course) just to say that everything is fine.

    Mar 11, 05:36 AM
    11.31am: The Associated Press has more details on the state of emergency issued at nuclear plant after its cooling system failed:

    Chief cabinet secretary Yukio Edano says the nuclear power plant in Fukushima developed a mechanical failure in the system needed to cool the reactor after it was shut down in Friday's earthquake.

    He said the measure was a precaution and there was no radiation leak at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant. He said the facility was not in immediate danger.


    Thats pretty bloody serious.... eeeek :eek:

    Apr 26, 07:45 PM
    It's quite possible they are "miraculous" recoveries. "Miraculous' as in exceedingly rare. Gabrielle Giffords survived a point-blank gunshot to the head. Is that the work of divine intervention? Or is it simply a matter that if you shot a number of people in the head, a very small fraction would survive? Likewise, among the millions of people with cancer, it shouldn't come as a surprise to find a small fraction that beat the odds to make a remarkable recovery. If Purell kills 99.99% of bacteria, does that make the .01% of survivors "miracles"?

    Yes, Gabrielle was exceeding lucky, nothing more.

    People die every day, without divine intervention either way.

    The luck of the draw is very real. Believe!!!!

    Oct 7, 04:35 PM
    I wish I could leave. Macrumors is to the GPA what the bug zapper is to the fly.

    Jul 13, 10:45 AM
    no, i looked up real numbers and took off ~40% which is the amount apple would get off from retail prices.

    + if the low end mac pro has a single cpu if we are lucky it may have an empty socket ready for an upgrade.

    If you looked up real numbers, post the real numbers. Based on the real numbers I've seen the price difference would be hundreds of dollars.

    And PC companies are offering single woodcrest simply because conroe isn't shipping yet. Today, they have no other option for dual core. They might keep that config when conroe ships (for the few who may want that), but the conroe version will likely be hundreds less.

    EDIT: Looking at Dell, so far they only seem to have woodcrests in server machines. They don't seem to be offering them in any config of desktop yet.

    Sep 12, 04:33 PM
    There's no need for DVR functionality. Apple will replace your cable subscription. You just subsribe to the shows you want and al la carte other shows after that. Networks will probably even do the season premieres free to get you hooked or add sponsor the shows to make them free. TV on demand is obviously the next wave - even the cable companies know it and have on demand etc. I mean not to be racist but I'm happy to stop paying comcast for the 10+ stations that are in languages I don't even speak. I barely speak english - hahaha.

    In conclusion - its the same data - just different timing.

    Here is something I saw today for the first time. Cable TV to your IP address.

    Low priced too for what it does.


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