Jan 13, 01:52 AM
this is crap,
no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.
I agree that it probably won't have no ports, I think it will at least have 1 USB and 1 Firewire, but other than that everything could be done wirelessly, and if Apple wants to make the notebook thinner than the ports are then they may use their patent for collapsible ports that they made a while back.
no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.
I agree that it probably won't have no ports, I think it will at least have 1 USB and 1 Firewire, but other than that everything could be done wirelessly, and if Apple wants to make the notebook thinner than the ports are then they may use their patent for collapsible ports that they made a while back.
Nov 28, 12:56 PM
Assuming for a second that this is true, I do not see Apple in this space. 17" LCD monitors have been around for years and they are inexpensive now. Why would Apple enter this market when it is unlikely to get the ussual return on investment?
Best point yet.
I think if we all dig deep down the only reason we want Apple to enter this market is so that we can have what can already be had, but with an Apple logo on it. Even I'll admit it.
17" cheap consumer monitors don't need innovation. They don't need a refresh, they don't need love from Apple's design team. Give it a few year s(if not a lot less) and the 17" monitors will be the equivalent of the 15" or 13" monitors. And who wants APple to design a cool 15" LCD :\
I think (and I could be wrong) that when people today buy a 17" monitor they are going for the cheapest display they can get so they can use their computer. If they have a little extra cash, they look at larger monitors. Aside from Apple never being able to compete for the cheapest of the cheap, it's also not what they do, or ever had done afaik.
I'd rather seem Apple make a consumer level 20" and sell it for $300 :D
And knock a little off the pro models if at all possible...
Best point yet.
I think if we all dig deep down the only reason we want Apple to enter this market is so that we can have what can already be had, but with an Apple logo on it. Even I'll admit it.
17" cheap consumer monitors don't need innovation. They don't need a refresh, they don't need love from Apple's design team. Give it a few year s(if not a lot less) and the 17" monitors will be the equivalent of the 15" or 13" monitors. And who wants APple to design a cool 15" LCD :\
I think (and I could be wrong) that when people today buy a 17" monitor they are going for the cheapest display they can get so they can use their computer. If they have a little extra cash, they look at larger monitors. Aside from Apple never being able to compete for the cheapest of the cheap, it's also not what they do, or ever had done afaik.
I'd rather seem Apple make a consumer level 20" and sell it for $300 :D
And knock a little off the pro models if at all possible...

Jan 11, 11:26 PM
I don't see the benefit of a MacBook Slim.
Can someone pursued me or tell me why it would be better then just having a MacBook?
well... based on people dreaming of flash-based drives, small form factor, powerful machine... it seems to me everyone who seem to want one at the end of the day really want 2 very different devices.
1) a notebook in the macbook form factor but with a dedicated video card or at the least an integrated video card that does great performance. this is what most people would settle for if apple ever makes one. Call it nostalgia for the 12" PB, maybe. powerful but very mobile. call it the MB for pros is what people want.
the absence of an optical drive wouldn't be the end of the world. who uses them still in this day and age where everything from dmgs to photos to music to video to presentation are all on the internet?
2) i think the sweet spot really is that people want something like an ultramobile machine that they can take on the go. that they can use for work stuff--- presentation, maybe run some office app. it's got to be mixed with a bit of personal stuff--- video, pictures, music and of course browse the web. it's that space above the iphone/ipod touch and below an mb. call a machine that is not just a phone, not just an ipod but more computer than the iphone and ipod touch are.
Can the iphone/ipod touch do this now? yeah. i think with the sdk coming out it will really open the gate. because APPs is what's really missing. People want to do /more/ with the iphone/ipod touch. they want an Ultramobile Mac.
personally, if Apple was going to make a subnote--- i'd rather they try for number 2.
if Apple is going to make a new laptop, i hope they do something innovative like have an MB, but "do away" with the traditional keyboard and mouse. it would be the same form factor with a display and the spot where the keyboard is, but instead of a keyboard and trackpad... that space is a multi-touch or a user interface that can be reconfigured on the fly for whatever app that's active. (doesn't apple have a patent pending for tactile-multi-touch response?)
Using Word for example? the "multitouch pad" pops out a keyboard. Doing photoshop and you get an interface similar to a wacom tablet that you can draw on. For a lack of better analogy, something right out of Star Trek's reconfigurable user interfaces. it would certainly go with the whole "air" theme. draw interfaces from the air just like magic.
My guess is that "Air" will be something more towards greater reliance on cloud computing.
Can someone pursued me or tell me why it would be better then just having a MacBook?
well... based on people dreaming of flash-based drives, small form factor, powerful machine... it seems to me everyone who seem to want one at the end of the day really want 2 very different devices.
1) a notebook in the macbook form factor but with a dedicated video card or at the least an integrated video card that does great performance. this is what most people would settle for if apple ever makes one. Call it nostalgia for the 12" PB, maybe. powerful but very mobile. call it the MB for pros is what people want.
the absence of an optical drive wouldn't be the end of the world. who uses them still in this day and age where everything from dmgs to photos to music to video to presentation are all on the internet?
2) i think the sweet spot really is that people want something like an ultramobile machine that they can take on the go. that they can use for work stuff--- presentation, maybe run some office app. it's got to be mixed with a bit of personal stuff--- video, pictures, music and of course browse the web. it's that space above the iphone/ipod touch and below an mb. call a machine that is not just a phone, not just an ipod but more computer than the iphone and ipod touch are.
Can the iphone/ipod touch do this now? yeah. i think with the sdk coming out it will really open the gate. because APPs is what's really missing. People want to do /more/ with the iphone/ipod touch. they want an Ultramobile Mac.
personally, if Apple was going to make a subnote--- i'd rather they try for number 2.
if Apple is going to make a new laptop, i hope they do something innovative like have an MB, but "do away" with the traditional keyboard and mouse. it would be the same form factor with a display and the spot where the keyboard is, but instead of a keyboard and trackpad... that space is a multi-touch or a user interface that can be reconfigured on the fly for whatever app that's active. (doesn't apple have a patent pending for tactile-multi-touch response?)
Using Word for example? the "multitouch pad" pops out a keyboard. Doing photoshop and you get an interface similar to a wacom tablet that you can draw on. For a lack of better analogy, something right out of Star Trek's reconfigurable user interfaces. it would certainly go with the whole "air" theme. draw interfaces from the air just like magic.
My guess is that "Air" will be something more towards greater reliance on cloud computing.
Apr 20, 07:22 PM
so i hit 6 million on 17 mar, and today (20 apr) i hit 7 million! that's about 34 days. much better than my last million, but still not as good as it could be. hopefully i'll get everything worked out and going smoothly
7 mil; I remember those days, not so long ago... Grats!
7 mil; I remember those days, not so long ago... Grats!

Sep 30, 03:32 PM
I got the clear one. I don't know if the inside was was matte or not. Took 2 days off an ebay seller.
did u get that weird watermarks like on wolfboy's post a few posts up?
did u get that weird watermarks like on wolfboy's post a few posts up?
Jul 14, 12:08 PM
From Wiki:
Holographic disks: standards with 200 and 300 GB storage are under development and prototypes expected in 2008
I've heard about Mac users waiting, but 5 years for most likely the first consumer device if lucky, 6 for probably first computer device. 2012.... yes exactly when I wanted to buy my next laptop after the next four I plan to purchase.
As I said they aren't attacking the Consumer market because they have no Backing. Who can beat Sony when Sony pay's best buy to Disply the blue rays and HD-DVD no longer is displayed?
This link says 2006
This says 2006 for 300 GBS/ 2009 for 1TB
"Late 2006"
2006 - for 200 gbs,1558,1785630,00.asp
2006... though this was written (2004) so...
From Wikipedia (your source) - "160 times the capacity of single-layer Blu-ray Discs, and about 8 times the capacity of standard computer hard drives with space that accounts for year 2006 standards. Optware is expected to release a 200 GB disc in early June of and Maxell in September 2006 with a capacity of 300 GB and transfer rate of 20 MB/sec [3] [4].

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Bin Laden-US Reaction

osama bin laden target Osama

osama bin laden target. osama

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osama bin laden target

Osama bin Laden middot; Barack Obama

free osama bin laden targets.
Holographic disks: standards with 200 and 300 GB storage are under development and prototypes expected in 2008
I've heard about Mac users waiting, but 5 years for most likely the first consumer device if lucky, 6 for probably first computer device. 2012.... yes exactly when I wanted to buy my next laptop after the next four I plan to purchase.
As I said they aren't attacking the Consumer market because they have no Backing. Who can beat Sony when Sony pay's best buy to Disply the blue rays and HD-DVD no longer is displayed?
This link says 2006
This says 2006 for 300 GBS/ 2009 for 1TB
"Late 2006"
2006 - for 200 gbs,1558,1785630,00.asp
2006... though this was written (2004) so...
From Wikipedia (your source) - "160 times the capacity of single-layer Blu-ray Discs, and about 8 times the capacity of standard computer hard drives with space that accounts for year 2006 standards. Optware is expected to release a 200 GB disc in early June of and Maxell in September 2006 with a capacity of 300 GB and transfer rate of 20 MB/sec [3] [4].
Sep 6, 12:39 PM
Look, they discontinued the $50 BTO superdrive option on the lower end model. Are they purposely trying to drive me to Velocity Micro?The SAVE refurb page has what you want for $649. If you really want that model, pull the trigger.
Nov 29, 03:07 PM
I don't care what extra features it has, as long as Apple designs a decent remote for it. Something full-sized with a click-wheel. I'd love to fast-forward through a movie using the click-wheel. The 4X, 8X etc on my current PVR just doesn't do it for me.
They previewed the remote control when they previewed the iTV. I assume that they'll stick with that elegant and simple control. 5 buttons instead of 100+ buttons for the M$ Media Center nightmare.
Apple Rox
They previewed the remote control when they previewed the iTV. I assume that they'll stick with that elegant and simple control. 5 buttons instead of 100+ buttons for the M$ Media Center nightmare.
Apple Rox
Apr 10, 03:12 PM
Yes in terms of quick shifting a sequential gearbox is it.
To be fair... it's not just about the speed of the shift. It's also the fact that (in a double-clutch anyway) it opens up a different approach to driving compared to a conventional manual, for example you can downshift as you left foot brake whilst turning in and balancing the car on both the throttle and the brake through the corner, whilst also changing back up, all the time without upsetting the balance of the car. It's a different approach, but no less challenging than a conventional manual.
But it's also like what robbie has pointed out, many modern ECU's no longer allow a driver to heel-and-toe because as soon as the brake pedal is depressed, it overrides the accelerator, so you can't blip the throttle, coupled with the generally tardy throttle response of drive-by-wire anyway, you could end up with a situation whereby it's impossible to actually heel-in-toe at all.... never mind left foot brake.
Have to say, whenever these threads crop up, I'm alway left with the opinion that in the U.S., being able to depress a clutch and move a stick at the same time is seen as some kind of divine talent... :p :p :p For the record, I can drive a manual, but then so did my granma. ;) :p
To be fair... it's not just about the speed of the shift. It's also the fact that (in a double-clutch anyway) it opens up a different approach to driving compared to a conventional manual, for example you can downshift as you left foot brake whilst turning in and balancing the car on both the throttle and the brake through the corner, whilst also changing back up, all the time without upsetting the balance of the car. It's a different approach, but no less challenging than a conventional manual.
But it's also like what robbie has pointed out, many modern ECU's no longer allow a driver to heel-and-toe because as soon as the brake pedal is depressed, it overrides the accelerator, so you can't blip the throttle, coupled with the generally tardy throttle response of drive-by-wire anyway, you could end up with a situation whereby it's impossible to actually heel-in-toe at all.... never mind left foot brake.
Have to say, whenever these threads crop up, I'm alway left with the opinion that in the U.S., being able to depress a clutch and move a stick at the same time is seen as some kind of divine talent... :p :p :p For the record, I can drive a manual, but then so did my granma. ;) :p
Aug 7, 03:34 AM
It's starting 7 pm in Denmark, but I can tell you, the minute I post this, there is 8 hours and 27 minutes till the Keynote...:D
Too bad you have to wait longer than me. It's only 8:26 for me till it starts :D . Yay France!<sarcasm>
Too bad you have to wait longer than me. It's only 8:26 for me till it starts :D . Yay France!<sarcasm>
Apr 2, 08:09 PM
Is this the same Narrator that does the Ken Burns films?
That is actor Peter Coyote. Probably most famous for his role of the federal agent in E.T. Along with many acting roles he has done tons of narration as well. Not sure about Ken Burns films, but he has narrated something like 50 plus documentaries. He was also the voice for Oracle commercials. He did the first iPad commercial ( well. Here is his IMDb page...
and Wikipedia.
That is actor Peter Coyote. Probably most famous for his role of the federal agent in E.T. Along with many acting roles he has done tons of narration as well. Not sure about Ken Burns films, but he has narrated something like 50 plus documentaries. He was also the voice for Oracle commercials. He did the first iPad commercial ( well. Here is his IMDb page...
and Wikipedia.
Apr 2, 08:20 PM
I wasn't sure this was an iPad commercial at first when I saw it during the Butler game; to me it seemed more serious than any other Apple ad that has been released before. But in that sense, you can feel similar emotions to the video they showed during the iPad 2 introduction that went through the year of the first iPad. That's not just selling a product, that's loving a product.
Mar 22, 03:58 PM
Rather see an ipad with that size now that be something sweet. :)
Zeppelin Air and ipad 2 will surely rock with that kind of size HD. :D
Zeppelin Air and ipad 2 will surely rock with that kind of size HD. :D
Feb 17, 03:22 PM
No remote login?
Well the Internet is terrible here. I do have MobileMe, but can't get it to work here. I don't have remote login on the windows boxes. But I know the Internet works there b/c my server is up
Well the Internet is terrible here. I do have MobileMe, but can't get it to work here. I don't have remote login on the windows boxes. But I know the Internet works there b/c my server is up

Mar 21, 09:22 AM
Thats not the least bit true ! and if you lived in Japan - you would understand. I don't mean to be rude at all. Dell for example has desktops for under 100 000 yen (about $1 200 US)....
eg:Australian Meat for example is cheaper than Japanese Meat....
Most foreign products are cheaper or about the same price as the Japanese product
1200 for a dell they sell for 499 here with a monitor hey are still **** computers though
eg:Australian Meat for example is cheaper than Japanese Meat....
Most foreign products are cheaper or about the same price as the Japanese product
1200 for a dell they sell for 499 here with a monitor hey are still **** computers though
Sep 1, 01:45 PM
No way would I pay an extra $500 for an 8% faster machine and a slighly larger display, when for that money I can go with the 20" and buy a second widescreen 20" display and have a HUGE viewable area.
The 23" is going to have to be a LOT closer to the 20" in order for it to sell. I'm thinking $1899 or $1999, or else it will have to be decked out with extra RAM, HD space, or CPU speed.
I don't really know about the ideal price difference, but for some people, it wouldn't matter much. If you want a system with a lot of screen space, then you can get two 1920x1200 monitors. Sure, it will cost you, but if you need the space, then you'll go for the 23-inch. Also, to watch movies, a big screen is better than two small ones. It all depends on what you need the computer for...
The 23" is going to have to be a LOT closer to the 20" in order for it to sell. I'm thinking $1899 or $1999, or else it will have to be decked out with extra RAM, HD space, or CPU speed.
I don't really know about the ideal price difference, but for some people, it wouldn't matter much. If you want a system with a lot of screen space, then you can get two 1920x1200 monitors. Sure, it will cost you, but if you need the space, then you'll go for the 23-inch. Also, to watch movies, a big screen is better than two small ones. It all depends on what you need the computer for...
Mar 2, 04:57 PM
the fact that after the second generation Jetta, VW had to rename the car in germany/europe (Bora, Vento) and still had lousy sales there, should have been a warning sign
the last few generations of the jetta have been absolute rubbish ... i hoping this new generation is actually better
Mexico may come around, in time.
Japan sure did, Korea has, and China is well on it's way.
the last few generations of the jetta have been absolute rubbish ... i hoping this new generation is actually better
Mexico may come around, in time.
Japan sure did, Korea has, and China is well on it's way.
Sep 11, 06:24 PM
Bestbuy supposedly has the new GripVue for the iPod Touch.
Any idea if they have the Grip Ergo?
Bestbuy supposedly has the new GripVue for the iPod Touch.
Any idea if they have the Grip Ergo?
Sep 1, 12:43 PM
i don't think this rumor will come out to be true because this might take a lot of people from getting Mac Pro, unless this iMac comes out to be north of $2500, at which point nobody will buy this.
I don't think an iMac with a larger Display is a competition for a Mac Pro. The biggest advantages of the Mac Pro are the expandability and the CPUs, which both put it into a completely different class than any iMac.
I don't think an iMac with a larger Display is a competition for a Mac Pro. The biggest advantages of the Mac Pro are the expandability and the CPUs, which both put it into a completely different class than any iMac.
Feb 17, 09:51 PM
Wow those are some really big speakers you have there! :eek:
Apr 13, 02:07 AM
+1 here. Every time I've tried to use iMovie for a "quick" edit it always ends in disasters like this. In my case, I was trying to move some music around and time my edits with the music. It was really infuriating trying to do this in iMovie compared to how fast I could have done it in FCP. I guess we'll have wait till Apple posts more info or we get it in our hands to really tell if it can be run like the current FCP.
True, but why try to use iMovie for a quick edit in the first place? It's not really made for you, and its basic workflow is certainly not made for you. You should use what you can use, even for your home movies. Just because FCP is more advanced doesn't mean you can't also use it for very simple things.
Count me as excited for this release. As far as I know, they haven't said they would remove key features, but these updates to 64-bit and core usage enhancements have been overdue. For all you guys claiming it's "not pro" ... have you used it? How do you know that from these few details?
We don't know anything about the Suite offerings, so any bitching on that front is premature. I hope they keep Color and make a great update to Motion. The smoother color controls inside FCP will be a boon for basic things... like you need it to look presentable for cut reviews. Color is great to have around for the integrated post houses and for indies, but we have to remember that FCP is an editing program first and foremost. I will continue to take my bigger projects in for color timing on daVincis with great colorists. But for my lower-budget stuff where that's not in the cards, I hope they throw us a bone.
True, but why try to use iMovie for a quick edit in the first place? It's not really made for you, and its basic workflow is certainly not made for you. You should use what you can use, even for your home movies. Just because FCP is more advanced doesn't mean you can't also use it for very simple things.
Count me as excited for this release. As far as I know, they haven't said they would remove key features, but these updates to 64-bit and core usage enhancements have been overdue. For all you guys claiming it's "not pro" ... have you used it? How do you know that from these few details?
We don't know anything about the Suite offerings, so any bitching on that front is premature. I hope they keep Color and make a great update to Motion. The smoother color controls inside FCP will be a boon for basic things... like you need it to look presentable for cut reviews. Color is great to have around for the integrated post houses and for indies, but we have to remember that FCP is an editing program first and foremost. I will continue to take my bigger projects in for color timing on daVincis with great colorists. But for my lower-budget stuff where that's not in the cards, I hope they throw us a bone.
Apr 12, 09:12 PM
The variety of source formats is going to continue to expand. Sure, some common standards emerge, such as hard drives and flash media, but just because in the past there was only one origination and one output format doesn't mean that this is the way the process has to work, or is somehow intrinsically superior.
By source and output I'm pretty sure he's referring to what you call the Preview/Canvas monitors in FCP, or Source/Record in AVID.
By source and output I'm pretty sure he's referring to what you call the Preview/Canvas monitors in FCP, or Source/Record in AVID.
Jul 19, 04:04 PM
does it mean mac's desktop market share is climbing? 5%?
It would appear so. Apple's computer sales rose faster than the overall market. But, most of those sales were laptops... so the desktop marketshare is probably falling ;)
It would appear so. Apple's computer sales rose faster than the overall market. But, most of those sales were laptops... so the desktop marketshare is probably falling ;)
Lord Blackadder
Mar 3, 02:31 AM
I will give it the benefit of the doubt until I get a chance to test drive it.
Apropos to our discussion here, if Volkswagen takes the Jetta downmarket, that will bode well for GM and the Cruze diesel, which may be able to equal or exceed the new Jetta TDI's level of equipment, refinement and pricepoint.
Apropos to our discussion here, if Volkswagen takes the Jetta downmarket, that will bode well for GM and the Cruze diesel, which may be able to equal or exceed the new Jetta TDI's level of equipment, refinement and pricepoint.
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